Wow...they fit (again)!

As the circle of life goes on, so does the extra weight your gaining without 'noticing'. Suddenly one day the favorite skirt or dress doesn't fit anymore. You put it aside and just think that miraculously it will fit again one day. A trip to the store is next, because your wardrobe needs some 'weight' as well. And so the story continuous.

Over the years you solemnly pledge to start eating healthy, minimize the junk and start exercising so you can return to that favorite skirt. No such luck. The skirt stays in the closet as a still reminder of how it once was. No idea where to start since you are constantly hearing a lot of stuff about different kinds of diets. The worst of them all: you start eating again just like before the 3 months. Than why all the hassle?

But than I learned about Body by Vi. Two times a day you shake and you still can eat everything you want. Well, not exactly everything. The first thing that has to go is the sugar. No sugar whatsoever. Okay that I can live with. Ehm...the only oils to use are coconut of extra virgin olive oil. Also no problem, since I was doing that for most of the time already. And than: no rice, bread, potato or pasta. Wait! Come again! No pasta? No no no, you can't be that serious. My favorite food and I can't have that? How in heavens name will I survive 3 months without pasta? Sigh...
If you thought that was eh. No red meat. Okay the pork can go, no problem. But no salt meat??? For sure I am rethinking this whole diet thing again. I really can't live without my salt meat. Oh boy oh boy.

And than my schedule got seriously hectic and had some traveling to do as well. So decided to postpone the diet. I needed to start this thing when my mind was ready. You know why? Otherwise I would start this Vi diet and within no time return to what I was used to. In the meantime I looked for the information about why not having all these foods. My Vi-consulent was patiently explaining all the why nots.

And so 7 weeks ago I switched gears. Oh man..the first week was grueling for many reasons I won't even mention. But what I can say is that until today I don't regret to have started this challenge. I have two favorite parts. I play with my shakes. I put stuff in there I never even thought were delicious together. All kinds of fruits like watermelon (my all time favorite), banana, apple, pear, grapes, and stuff like coffee, cinnamon and flax seed. That's just part of the list. Oh yes, and peanut butter.

My other favorite part is that the skirt I was talking about earlier is fitting again! Yahooooooo!!! I danced my shoes off that day. I had to get out with that skirt. What a great feeling it was..well, still is. Yesterday I tried on another one..oh my I'm sure Body by Vi does what it says IF you follow the rules. So yes, no pasta, no rice, no white bread and no salt meat. But yes to feeling great, yes to my favorite clothes and yes to look and feel great.

And how I know the last 4 words of the previous sentence? I hear it daily.

What will it be in 5 more weeks? Stay close to me and you'll find out.



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