Music education on the trusted wings of Surinam Airways

If there is one company that from day one supported the music education of Roseternal Media, we can whole heartedly say Surinam Airways. Together we have been on this amazing journey to make sure the artists arrive in Suriname to share knowledge and music with local talents and the general public. It started almost nine years ago, and the road to keep them on board was never easy. But as the saying goes 'who says that the best things in life are easy to get?'

Back then there was a lot of talking and writing involved to make sure they understood my vision. Being a journalist talking and writing was never an issue so I did just that. It took a while. The good thing was that my very first project requested just one ticket. The teaching musician had to fly in from the Netherlands and I didn't have the money nor the proper knowledge to get it all together. I had a mindset. And I had a vision. So with these in my pocket I contacted the airline for sponsorship.

I got blessed. My first request got approved and my guest flew in from the Netherlands in January 2010. We had about 30 youngsters participating. Here is one of those success stories:

This first one was such a huge success that I had to continue the journey and I had to keep Surinam Airways by my side. Every time I did those large projects, every time I took up paper and pencil and started writing. It stayed a challenge. It still is. Every time the questions that I need to answer are getting even more difficult, but since I'm not a quitter I just dig deeper in my creative spirit. And it works. I think. I write. I create. I execute. And repeat.

And so I can say I'm very thankful for Surinam Airways for believing in the youth and their talents. Given the fact that the country is in a crisis and making it harder for us to pull of projects, we are even more thankful that Surinam Airways stays on our side. Do you realise what these projects do? Do you understand the importance of sponsorship?

Let me take a second to explain. Youngsters hardly get the chance to travel abroad and see, speak or even less perform with international artists. Their cups are pouring over with talent. If we don't create opportunities for them to share their talents and sharpen their skills it all goes to waste. Don't get me wrong. Our local musicians and teachers are doing an amazing job to teach them what they know. But as we are living in an era where everything is fast fast fast, also the music has to develop fast. By bringing in musicians they can ask all their questions and share their newly found skills on stage.

I had to ask Surinam Airways for their reason behind this story. And this is their answer "Music is an international language. And just as everyone else we also speak this language, that connects people. It is certainly our pleasure to be part of the International Jazz Day."

Some of master class participants in 2016.

So thank you Surinam Airways for putting music education on your trusted wings. Thank you on behalf of all the success stories we had and are still having. Thank you for believing in the talent of our musicians. Thank you for giving the artists that have never been the best first impression of Suriname. Thank you for doing what you do. We will continue to provide and with you as a partner success is guaranteed.

Or wait: let me state it like this. One day you will bring home the first ever Surinamese musician that wins a Grammy Award. Know then that is was also thanks to you efforts now!

Want to see and hear more about our projects? Go to youtube/roseternalmedia or our fb page: Roseternal Media.

Jazzy Kaseko greetings,


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